Vacant Home Insurance

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

By Patrick Ramsay

According the latest U.S. Census statistics, there are approximately 13 million vacant year-round homes in the United States. Just like occupied homes, these vacant homes must be covered, too. While it is tempting to skimp on coverage to save money, it is important to ensure you are fully covered so you don’t end up taking a loss when something does happen to your property.

Finding the right vacant property insurance can be quite a difficult task because a typical homeowners policy won’t cover the property after it is vacated. Whether you’ve moved out and haven’t found a buyer or are renovating your home, it’s vital to keep your property properly covered.

A few facts about vacant home insurance:

  • There is more risk associated with a vacant home than with one that is full of people because there is no one living there to take care of the home if something happens to it.

  • These homes are more likely to be broken into, vandalized, or damaged during a storm.

  • Intruders who enter the home may be hurt which may result in a liability claim against you.

When is a home considered vacant?

In most cases, homes sitting more than thirty days without people should have a vacant home insurance policy in order to be protected.

Whether you’re in between renters or you’re fixing up a house before flipping it, a vacant home is a liability you don’t want to let go uncovered. Contact one of our agents at insureCAL for a quote to find out how much your vacant property insurance policy will cost.


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