Remodel, Flipping, or Vacant Home Insurance

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

Know your options.

Do you have a vacant house or vacant property?

Are you doing an extensive remodel or an investor who purchased the property and plan to resell the property?

A standard rental or homeowners insurance policy has exclusions built into them. These exclusions are specific to if a house is being unoccupied or is vacant. In other words, if no one is living at the property a claim that would normally be covered, is not going to be covered.

So what are your options?

You have a number of different options available but most common would be either a Builders Renovation or a Vacant Building policy.

The Vacant Building policy will still cover smaller renovations being done, i.e. paint, carpet, flooring.

The Builders Renovation policy is more for larger renovations or structural work, i.e. foundation, expanding, removing walls, adding walls.

If you are interested in getting more information or a quick proposal put together, reach out to us!


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