Flood Insurance: Does Your Homeowners Insurance Cover It?
Do You Have Flood Insurance?
Imagine, you are standing on your front porch and there is water up to your ankles, flowing into your house. You are thinking, “at least I have homeowners insurance to cover stuff like this”. Wrong. Flood and Earthquake perils are not covered on any Homeowners Insurance policies in California. These policies must be purchased separately and usually have a 30 day wait period before coverage is effective.
A recent study says Ventura and Oxnard California are at greater risk for tsunami than previously thought. A computer simulation shows that a wave 23 feet high could crash more than a mile inland.
On top of that scary thought, meteorologists are predicting an El Niño season with heavy rainfall and possible mudslides in Southern California washing homes and properties away.
Your current homeowners insurance does NOT cover flood. So what do you do before this winter hits to protect your property? Get a flood insurance policy!!
Any questions for a flood insurance proposal, please, get in touch with an expert before it is too late.