Why Employers Should Offer Life Insurance
By Dylan Delhart & Patrick Ramsay
Positive employees make for a positive business. So, how can you ensure your employees start each Monday with a positive foot forward? Offer them peace of mind. In an increasingly hectic world, you can’t put a price on peace of mind, and it’s even harder to achieve. However, you can ensure peace of mind in your employees with something as simple and cheap as offering life insurance. So, why should you offer life insurance to your employees?
Your employees want it! According to recent surveys within the private sector 97% of employees offered Life insurance choose to enroll.
Less payroll and income taxes. If all the requirements are met, the cost of the premiums for the first $50,000 of group-term life insurance isn’t included in the employee’s gross income.
Employee retention. Employees with quality life insurance are less likely to take seasonal jobs or leave the company altogether, saving the employer turnover expenses.
Increased morale. For many workers, good benefits are the difference between a job and a career. Employees with life insurance generally feel more essential to their workplace and may feel the desire to go above and beyond expectations.
More appealing job offers. Any employer will tell you how important good employees are. Quality employees are hard to come by these days. By simply offering life insurance, your business can compete with the power houses for the best employees.
You could be a hero. The difficulties surrounding the death of their primary wage earner oftentimes extend beyond the initial mourning and emotional distress of the death. Without life insurance the family could be subject to serious financial hardships. The monthly premiums are minuscule compared to the immense benefits. Although no amount of money could replace a loved one, it’s much easier to recover emotionally when you’re not worried about coming up with thousands of dollars for funeral expenses.
It’s inexpensive. Term life insurance costs less than your daily cup of coffee! If someone could offer you peace of mind for a price that low, wouldn’t you be interested? Life insurance is one of the cheapest forms of insurance to purchase, which is marvelous considering how important it is.
It’s easy to get! Many employers are intimidated by the amount of paperwork involved with getting life insurance. While the hassle may seem daunting, our life insurance professionals are prepared to streamline the process and take care of the tedious tasks that surround getting enrolled in a life insurance program.
Increased productivity. A recent study by economists at Warwick University, discovered that happy employees saw an increase in productivity of 12%, while unhappy workers were 10% less productive. The happier, more appreciated your employees feel, the more inclined they will be to bring that positive attitude to work with them. Every employer knows that both positivity and negativity are infectious in the workplace. By offering life insurance, you’re contributing to a more positive work environment because every employee knows that happiness in the workplace starts with their employer.